Sunday, February 3, 2008

Welcome to the Confirmation Blog

So, you're going to be confirmed. The date of your confirmation will be Saturday, March 22d at the Easter Vigil at St. Paul's Cathedral. At that service, Bishop Gregory will lay his hands on your heads and pray for you to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

As I said last Sunday, in the early church, those who sought to become Christians spent the 40 days of Lent preparing for baptism. Because you were baptized as infants, of course, you didn't receive that instruction. That, in essence, is what we're going to do over the next few weeks.

We'll meet each Sunday following the coffee hour / lunch after church - meaning that we'll be in class from about 12:00 to 1:00. I'm hoping that those times will be less "lecture" and more "discussion."

I intend to use this blog as a way of communicating things to you - things to read, online videos to watch, topics for you to research or to ponder in advance for our class discussions.

That also means that the blog is a place for you to communicate with me and with each other. Ask questions. Share ideas. This is our blog.

Here's the plan.

Ash Wednesday - February 6

Our Ash Wednesday service at St. James will be at 7:30 p.m. If possible, you should attend this service as a way to begin your Lenten pilgrimage on the right note.

First Sunday in Lent - February 10

Topic: Who is Jesus?

Second Sunday in Lent - February 17

Topic: Who is the Church?

Third Sunday in Lent - February 24

Topic: What is the Bible?

Fourth Sunday in Lent - February March 2

Topic: What are the Sacraments?

Fifth Sunday in Lent - March 9

Topic: How do we follow Jesus?

Palm Sunday - March 16

Topic: Open discussion.

Maundy Thursday - March 20

This is the beginning of the Great Three Days. Hopefully, you will all be able to attend our Maundy Thursday service that evening. I plan to give you all roles to play in the service.

Good Friday - March 21

This is the second of the Great Three Days. Again, attendance at the Good Friday service is important if it is at all possible.

Easter Eve - March 22

Graduation day, of sorts. I'd like to plan some retreat time during the afternoon where we can all spend some time together praying about the step you will be taking that evening. If appropriate for any of you, we can also take the time for the sacrament of Reconciliation.

So, that's the plan. Every week - probably about Wednesday or Thursday - I'll post your "homework" for the following Sunday - the pieces I want you to read or watch, or the issues I want you to think about for our discussions.

Finally, here is a prayer I would like you to use regularly throughout this time of preparation.

Almighty God,
grant that we who have been buried with Christ in baptism
may be raised with him to newness of life.
Renew us by the power of your Holy Spirit,
that we may live in righteousness and true holiness,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.

Pax et bonum,
