Well, that's an end of it. And a beginning of it.
Our Lenten journey of preparation has ended in your Confirmation by Bishop Greg at the Easter Vigil. But your journey through life as mature Christians has just begun.
I intend to close the comment feature on the blog, but I will be leaving the blog itself up. I've heard that a number of people, near and far, thought we had an interesting approach to confirmation preparation. I did add a chronolgical link to all the blog posts, and I created a direct link to the ReJesus Pub Quiz in the list of useful links.
To other visitors, do feel free to poke around on our Confirmation blog. If there are things you find helpful, feel free to link to them or to adapt them to your own situation. I've often joked that plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery - but if you do use material from here, I'd appreciate an acknowledgement.
If you have questions about how this went - or about how I might do it differently - please feel free to email me (priest@stjamesregina.ca).
Here is the Confirmation class - along with their instructor - bedecked in bunnyhugs and shades on Palm Sunday.
The bunnyhugs (that's what we call them around here) are via Sarah Laughed and Cafe Press. The front depicts Abraham and Sarah entertaining angels unawares - except that the angels are all decked out in Blues Brothers style hats and sunglasses. On the back we find the Anglican Communion's Five Marks of Mission.
And here we have all of our newly confirmed St. James young people - along with their not so young priest - at the Cathedral with Bishop Greg. I bet Bishop Greg wishes he had such a great bunnyhug - or a kangaroo as he calls them.
Our five young confirmands are, like Jake and Elwood Blues, "on a mission from God." They have been sent into the world - along with the rest of us - to proclaim the Good News of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.