Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We're on a mission from God

A few things.

First, remember that we're all to wear our bunnyhugs this Sunday, along with sunglasses. There'll be pictures.

Second, This Sunday will be our last regular get together before we enter into the Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter - with your confirmation happening at the Easter Vigil.

I've scheduled this week to be an open discussion. We can go where you need to or want to in exploring what it is to be a mature Christian. However, there are a couple of new things I'm going to post which will, I hope, provoke some thought.

Father Matthew has added one more to his Father Matthew Presents the Sacraments series.

Also, looking back over what we've done, I think we should have spent a bit more time talking about the Creeds.

There are three Creeds which our Church treats as having authority: the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Creed of St. Athanasius. Check them out and consider what they say. We can talk about these at some length on Sunday. You can also find some history of how each of them came to be here, here and here.

Another important document that outlines how Anglicans understand the Church is the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral. It reflects a resolution that was first passed by the American House of Bishops at a meeting in Chicago, which was subsequently affirmed by the Bishops of the Anglican Communion meeting at Lambeth Palace in England. You can find some history here.

Finally, I want to run down our activities in the week between this Sunday and your confirmation at the Easter Vigil.
  • Thursday, March 20 - Maundy Thursday. The service at St. James is at 7:30 pm. Since you all have parts to do, please try to be there no later than 7:15 pm.
  • Friday, March 21 - Good Friday. The service begins at St. James at 10:00 am with prayers, and then we have a procession to Rosemont United Church. You guys are in charge of carrying the cross, and you each have a reading during the parts of the service at Rosemont United. Again, because you all have parts, please be at St. James no later than 9:45 am.
  • Saturday, March 22 - Easter Eve. We're going to spend some time together - about two hours - during the day - partly a "pre-confirmation retreat" and partly a church mission project, distributing information about our Easter service at St. James. We can discuss the best time on Sunday.
  • Saturday, March 22 - Easter Eve. Still Saturday, the Easter Vigil begins at 8:00 pm. As confirmands, please tyry to be there by 7:30 pm, as I imagine the Bishop will want to take some time to talk to you before the service.
We're almost there. See you Sunday.

Pax et bonum,
